
Our Mission:  To protect Hawaiian sea turtles through education, public awareness and conservation, all in the Spirit of Aloha.

Mālama i nā honu's mission is to "protect Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles through education, public awareness and conservation, all in the Spirit of Aloha".  In 2007, under the authority of the Endangered Species Act, NOAA Fisheries began providing grant funds to our non-profit organization to support public outreach activities that promote respectful behavior around the Honu.  Mālama i nā honu's presence on the beach has significantly helped reduce disturbance to basking turtles.  We continue to have a great relationship with NOAA and they recently posted two articles; one of them that highlights the heartbeat of our organization. 

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Please Click On Our Safe Boating Around Sea Turtles

Malama na Honu

As indigenous species in Hawai‘i, sea turtles play an important role in Hawaiian cultural traditions and moolelo (stories). Honu (green turtle) and honuea (hawksbill turtle) are mentioned in the fourth verse of the Kumulipo, the Hawaiian creation chant. Some families continue to revere sea turtles as their ‘aumākua, spiritual guardian.

Traditionally, sea turtles were incorporated into native practices, religious ceremonies, and diet. Shells, bones and oil were used to make fish hooks, tools, medicine, and jewelry. Harvest was tightly regulated by traditional management practices of the kapu system (cultural rules, code of conduct) enacted by Chiefs or Alii

Historically, honu were abundant and nested throughout the entire Hawaiian Archipelago. However, after European colonization the kapu prohibition broke down and by the 20th century, harvesting had become commercialized, causing the honu’s numbers to fall precipitously.

"Top 4" Baskers in 4th Quarter of 2023

"Top 3" Baskers in September 2023

"Top 3" Baskers in August 2023

"Top 3" Baskers in July 2023

"Top 3" Baskers in March 2023

"Top 3" Baskers in February 2023

"Top 3" Baskers in January 2023

Top Laniakea Honu returning from the French Frigate Shoals in August (go to "Meet the Honu" to read her migration story)

Today, the Hawaiian green sea turtle is a "Threatened Species," under the Federal Endangered Species Act. Since receiving the protection of that act in 1978, the Honu have made a marvelous comeback and in recent years have experienced an increase in their numbers in excess of 5% annually. Their protection while peacefully basking on the beach and spreading the word to the public of the continuing need for preservation efforts on their behalf is the mission of Mālama i nā honu. Our volunteers successfully accomplish this primarily through education at the beach and in schools throughout O`ahu, all done “in the spirit of Aloha.” Our efforts are focused on the North Shore of Oahu. More than ever, it is necessary for the education of residents and visitors alike to treat them with respect. Honu Guardian volunteers are on the beach every day of the year to offer educational outreach about this protected species. This helps avoid intentional and inadvertent harassment and assures the honu’s peaceful coexistence with humans on our beaches. Mālama i nā honu is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, established in the State of Hawaii, and at any given time has in excess of 95 active volunteers who help carry out its protective and educational mission.